• Sunday School

    9:00 am

    Morning Worship

    10:00 am

    Children’s Dismissal

    Nursery through 5th Grade after offering.


    Andy Rains

  • Volleyball - Mondays at 5:30pm in the Can-do Center - 16 and older

    Wednesday Evening Bible Study & Student Ministries - Adult and student Bible studies. The gym door will be unlocked at 5:30 for those that wish to bring dinner with them.

    5th Quarter Event - Friday, Sept 1st our church is hosting the 5th Quarter event after the home football game for MS and HS students, from 9:30-11:30. We will be doing a volleyball tournament! See Layton for more information.

    Women’s Ministry - Collecting paper products, toiletries & monetary donations for the New Life House. Collection bin in foye

  • Promotion Sunday - September 3rd for Sunday School and Children’s Church. 6th grade student will remain in the sanctuary for the sermon.

    Ice Cream Freeze-Off & Bake Sale - September 10th 6:00 - Everyone is invited to enter their homemade ice cream in a head-to-head competition to see who at First Church makes the best ice cream :) We will also have a bake sale and, as always, a cakewalk for the kids. We need donations of baked goods for the auction and Little Debbie-like snack cakes for the cakewalk. There is a sign-up sheet is in the foyer for the freeze-off and the bake sale.

    Deacon & Trustee Meeting - September 11 at 6:00pm - If you cannot attend please let Pastor Andy know


  • Pastor Andy Rains

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  • Student Pastor

    Layton Smith

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  • GIVE

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  • Connection Card

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